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Friday, March 2, 2018

Would You Eat Green Eggs and Ham?

Dr Seuss Day - Creating Memories & Eating Clean

Every year on March 2, we celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Dr. Seuss was my favorite authors as a child, and I don't pass up the chance to read Green Eggs and Ham to my boys. Our day starts out with green eggs and ham (aka organic turkey bacon). The best thing is, you don't have to use food coloring to achieve this green color. Simply add a little spinach and eggs to your blender, and you have a delicious, nutritional breakfast. Then ask your kids, "Would you Eat Green Eggs and Ham?"

Dr Seuss Day - Creating Memories & Eating Clean

This is a fun way to celebrate the day! I love reading to my boys, and I cherish any minute that I get to share my love of books. Isn't it all about traditions and creating lasting memories? I think so, and I hope this gives you a fun way to celebrate an ordinary day!

Be blessed,

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